Rp. 41.542.875

Condition: New

Shipping Weight: 18 kg(s)



MAin PowER SUPPLy VoLTAgE AC 220-240V, 50/60Hz BAckUP PowER SUPPLy VoLTAgE AC 220-240V, 50/60Hz MAin PowER SUPPLy fUSE T10AH 250V RATEd PowER 750W MicRoPHonE inPUT inPUT SEnSiTiViTy -65±3dBV inPUT iMPEdAncE 250Ω fREqUEncy RESPonSE 90 Hz -13KHz SnR >50dB (with A-Weight) AUXiLiARy inPUT cHAnnELS 2 inPUT SEnSiTiViTy 1V (0dBV) inPUT iMPEdAncE 10 KΩ fREqUEncy RESPonSE 85Hz-18KHz SnR >77dB (with A-Weight) Mic/LinE inPUT inPUT SEnSiTiViTy -50dBV/0dBV, selectable inPUT iMPEdAncE 10 KΩ fREqUEncy RESPonSE 85Hz-18KHz SnR >77dB (with A-Weight) PHAnToM PowER DC 24V, switchable cALL STATion inTERfAcE inPUT SignAL 2V inPUT iMPEdAncE 20 KΩ oUTPUT SignAL 2V oUTPUT iMPEdAncE 20 KΩ fREqUEncy RESPonSE 85Hz-18KHz AUdio oUTPUT oUTPUT cHAnnELS Channel 1, channel 2 and recording output oUTPUT SignAL 1V (0dBV) THd <0.5% AMPLifiER conTRoL inTERfAcE cHAnnELS 3 (channel 1, channel 2 and backup amplifier) oUTPUT SignAL 1.4V THd <0.5% conTRoL SignAL Self-test signal, amplifier fault signal and power saving control signal LoUdSPEAkER ciRcUiTS oUTPUT cHAnnELS 8 (with group A and group B) MAXiMUM LoUdSPEAkER LoAd 500W
Note: Honeywell reserves the right, without notification, to make changes in product design and/ or specifications.
PARAMETERS VALUES conTAcT inPUT /oUTPUT conTAcT inPUTS 10 (monitored) conTAcT oUTPUTS 8 (NO, NC & COM), “fault” output, “emergency” output MAX. woRking VoLTAgE foR oUTPUTS AC 250V/DC 30V MAX. woRking cURREnT foR oUTPUTS 2.5A oTHERS dc PowER oUTPUT 24V/1A MoniToRing LoUdSPEAkER 2W/8Ω ETHERnET PoRT 10M/100M MEMoRy cAPAciTy 1GB oPERATing condiTionS HUMidiTy < 95%, without condensation oPERATing TEMPERATURE -10°C~+50°C (14°F~+122°F) SToRAgE TEMPERATURE -40°C~+70°C (-40°F~+158°F) wEigHTS And diMEnSionS PRodUcT diMEnSion (w×H×d) 482 mm×133.5 mm ×420 mm PAckAgE diMEnSion (w×H×d) 580 mm×279 mm ×552 mm nET wEigHT 14.3Kg gRoSS wEigHT 17.4Kg

Honeywell’s INTEVIO Public Address and Voice Alarm system is the ideal solution for single buildings. It is an integrated solution that can provide better stability, costsavings, and higher user experience and performance:
Better safety and stability • Complies with international standards • A highly compact and integrated system • Simple and easy to use with an innovative design • Provides easy access to status updates, amplifier backup, logging and direct paging capabilities
Highly efficient solution • Plug-and-play with default settings • Intuitive set-up with step-by-step guided interaction between buttons and screens • Can achieve all calls by configurable keys • Auto configures when components are physically connected
Description HCU-2000 controller is the core unit of INTEVIO VA/PA system which performs the audio storage, signal processing, routing, control and supervision functions for the whole system. With the built-in 500W Class-D amplifier, the single controller can work as an 8-zone VA/PA system. When more power and speaker zones are needed, it can be expanded by using external power amplifier HAM-2000 and zone expander HEX-8/HEX-24.
Functions The controller integrates multiple functions such as audio storage, playback, zone control, audio monitoring, scheduled broadcast and fault diagnosis, etc.
Intuitive interaction design between buttons and screen After pressing a button on the front panel, clear instructions will pop up on the LCD screen to guide the user what to do next. This can prevent mistaken operations and increase operation efficiency.
• Integrated voice alarm and public address system controller with built-in 500W amplifier
• Numerous user friendly design to increase operation efficiency: plug and play, record and play, mobile APP control, interaction between LCD and buttons, etc
Automatic fault diagnosis HCU-2000 has power automatic fault diagnosis function to supervise various types of faults such as main power, backup power, CPU, microphone, power amplifier, speaker circuits, dry contact inputs, etc. All the fault information will be displayed on the LED indicators and LCD screen and the fault logs will be kept in the internal memory.
Allow all call even the CPU malfunctions Even if the CPU of the controller malfunctions, INTEVIO system still allows user to deliver paging to all the zones with the PTT microphone or the call station. This function can increase the safety level during emergency. 
Scheduled broadcast with built-in timer HCU-2000 has a built-in timer and supports configurable scheduled broadcast without extra timing device.
Record and play HCU-2000 allows user to record the temporary messages to its built-in 1GB memory with the PTT microphone or the call station and broadcast it without configuration. It’s a function for operation efficiency improvement, especially for the application such as shopping mall/supermarket where the promotion message needs to be frequently updated.
Cost saving amplifier backup solution HCU-2000 has built-in amplifier automatic switch-over function and allows different amplifier backup configurations to address the needs of different applications. To back up all the amplifiers in the system, a minimum of one standby amplifier is sufficient, which greatly reduces the ownership cost on standby amplifiers.

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